Hi Michael,
I have been thinking a lot about what you said here, and what you didn't say as well...
I just don't feel like summoning the vitriol with which to slay you. That must be personal growth on some level. Up until I heard from you I guess I though I missed you. What I really miss is my confident self.
I have dated some really great and accomplished men - doctor, artist, pilot - all wonderful - none of which I felt was a gift to me from the universe. I have realized though, that it wasn't really about you. It was about me being open to the possibilities - it was my faith and trust and ablility to see what was important - seeing past the flaws and accepting the good. You thought that me wanting to be happy 'in the bubble' was a problem - you just didn't have the insight or vision to see what we had.
There was no way for me to ever even meet your girls. and honestly that was fine. I had no interest in that or them. The drama and lack of boundaries doomed that relationship before it ever started - which was fine as you see now. The fact that my boys didn't care about you was normal in my eyes - they care about ME and wanted me to be happy. There have been a few comments about you since - mostly pointing out to me that you were full of yourself and not there for me....insightful from teenagers.
This email you sent sounds like you are just more full of yourself. As if you had any idea about my life anymore...still trying to be the fixer - the expert on things you have no clue about...In the time since we broke up I have worked my ass off (literally) am almost completely debt free - while paying school tuition x2...am almost back to my 'pre-you' weight, and am close to wanting to open myself up to another person.
I am sorry your new girlfriend didn't work out - I wonder why you felt you had to tell me that, and your other rather 'impolite' comment on how your new sex partners didn't measure up. Of course, I don't find that surprising.
I have not been so free with myself. The new Michael will not ever be 'My Mike', will never get love poems from me, or be made love to by me. I find it so sad to know that you destroyed us for frivolity...that you couldn't see what was right in front of you. Yes, Michael, you are a pompous ass, but you were MY pompous ass, and I loved you in spite of you.
PS. You keep joking about being run over in Colonie. hmm, I wouldn't go out of my way to run you down, but maybe wouldn't swerve too much to avoid you either HAHA!