Monday, January 12, 2009

The Reader

I hadn't posted before about seeing this movie. It was totally a movie that made you think, and wonder about why the characters acted the way they did. Why didn't he tell when he figured out what was going on during the trial? What was the ending all about? He couldn't seem to come to grips with his relationship with her, but what was it? The feelings about the sexual relationship and her subsequent disappearance? The reading - and when he figured it out- why didn't he see her as he started out to? Why didn't the professor intervene in some way as well? He let her take the brunt of the blame except it was all from her pride, and not necessarily from evil intent -although...she did 'choose' the readers to be sent back to their deaths. It was a serious movie, with complex characters. I may have to read the book and see if there is more to this story than I gleaned from the movie.
I am so glad to see that Kate Winslet won the Golden Globe for her role-she deserved it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to Work

Is there anything worse than going back to a job that you don't really like after a 2 week vacation?
It is not so much that I don't like it, but more like it is just a drag now, no new challenges, same old thing for 6 years.
Only 9 more work days till a day off though!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Albany Institute of History and Art

Today I went with some of the 'ladies' to the Albany Institute of History and Art on Washington Avenue. There was an exhibit on American Impressionist Painters in Giverny 1885-1915. Monet had moved to Giverny in 1883 and began painting the series of gardens, ponds and bridges that make up the majority of his work from this time until his death in 1926. Giverny attracted many artists from around the world during this time, and the exhibit today focused on the work of American artists I was not familiar with - John Leslie Breck, Frederic MacMonnies, Theodore Robinson, Willard Leroy Metcalf, Lilla Cabot Perry, Frederick Carl Frieseke, Dawson-Dawson Watkins, and the Albany artist Will H. Low. This painting, titled Terrace Walls (1901) was painted by Will H. Low, and while not truly "impressionist" by definition, was painted in the Giverny garden of Frederick and Mary Fairchild MacMonnies. This picture is beautiful here as you see it, but up close it is incredible, so gorgeous, the color, the crisp lines, the detail in the foreground contrasted by the mist in the background. I don't think I ever heard of him before, but there was also a separate exhibit of some of his works, being an Albany native of course. He was part of the Lawrence art 'colony' in Bronxville as well.

My favorite picture of the impressionist paintings was Lady in a Garden (1912)painted by Frederick Carl Frieseke. It is just remarkable the way the colors overlap - the flower stalks over the woman's dress - its fantastic.
I knew I would like this exhibit, and I am glad I didn't miss it, since tomorrow is the last day. It was fairly crowded with other procrastinators as well.
I got a little melancholy over the memory of the last museum trip (Edward Hopper) but I remained steadfast and have not made contact.
I searched the art poster website for the two paintings on this page, but unfortunately neither of these are available.